Headlands Area Residents Association

Reports of Meetings and Events from January 2018
2013-2017 Meetings and Events
2008-2012 Meetings and Events
Data Privacy Policy
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Welcome to the Headlands Area Residents Association.   The Association was formed on 4 June 2008.  Our aim is to support local residents conserve the character of the area by monitoring, focusing on key issues, consulting and representing the area.  
In our first year we were involved in/ held 34 meetings and organised 2 litter picks and 3 open evenings.  Not bad for a fledgling organisation.  We raised our profile in 2012 with a Jubilee Party which attracted 200 people - and it didn't rain!.  We held another Jubilee Party in 2022 and a Coronation Party in 2023.Also in 2012 we planted trees to celebrate The Queen's Jubilee and over five years we have planted 10,000 daffodil bulbs to brighten up the public spaces in the area for the Spring.  We even got enthusiastic and planted along the fence at the double roundabouts near the Station / Northampton Road which is not technically in our area.  We are currently (July/September) in negotiation with Wheatley Homes to plant a few fruit trees along Ostlers Way under the King Charles Coronation Community Orchard fund.
Notices are sent annually in January to all residents in the defined area to invite them to join the Association at a membership rate of £5 per household,  We were delighted that 103 households signed up that first year and we seem to have around 85 households each year since then - thank you for your support!  Membership subscriptions welcomed at any time. 
As we were not able to meet in 2020 with the Coronavirus issue, we carried the 2020 subscriptions over to 2021.  From January 2022 we are back to asking for £5 per household per calendar year - and haven't increased the rate since our beginnings.
Very best wishes from all at HARA

The streets currently involved in the Association are :-
The Headlands
Ostlers Way
Lonsdale Road
Cranleigh Road
The Links & Kettonby Gardens
The Close
Glebe Avenue
Garfield Street
The Drive
and the following from Headlands to Argyll Street :
St Michael's Road, Roundhill Road, Hawthorn Road and Broadway.
We did ask The Cresent and Queensberry Road if they would like to be involved and a few residents replied saying yes please, so they are associate members and we have members from Thurston Drive too.
This makes about 500 households    We run a summer lunch and a couple of meetings with speakers in March and November.  Our speakers have a local theme - our MP, KBC and NCC Councillors, the MD of Wicksteed Park, the Police & Crime Commissioner, Ian Addis who has written books about Kettering, David Brown about our Alfred East Gallery, Charles Lister and others from Buccleuch estates...  In March 2013 we had 4 Portfolio Holders including the Council Leader from the Borough Council to listen to parking and traffic concerns - this is still ongoing as everyone knows, although the recent consultation has helped see that people are equally divided on what we should do and at the moment have voted for no residents parking.  
We usually have several projects on the go and we welcome help with any of these.

Neighbourhood Forum

The Neighbourhood Forum covers a wider area than HARA and has produced a Neighbourhood Plan which has now been adopted by KTC & NNC and is being used to guide development in the area. 

There is a FB page - FromLondonRoadtoHeadlands - with news and current events in the area

We hope you will find the site useful and informative.  Do please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.

Please get in touch with the Secretary -Janet Marchand 01536 515087 - if you have any queries or suggestions.

Headlands Area Residents Association, Kettering